Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Guest Bloggers Alannah and Sierra

This is Alannah and Sierra updating you on the month of October!

Reading: In reading we are working on reading the book Where The Mountain Meets The Moon. We are also doing a packet on each chapter we read. 

Math:  In the beginning of the year we were and still are working with powers of ten. We have been working with decimals and multiplication too. 

Science: In science we have been working with planets, the Sun, stars, and Earth. We have been doing scale models too.

Social Studies: We are learning about the Incas, Aztecs, Christopher Columbus, and Conquistadors.  We played a Jeopardy game to go over what we have learned. 

Writing: In writing we are working on dialogue. We have been putting dialogue in our paragraphs and sentences.  

Read Aloud: We are reading a school read aloud called Winnies Great War. It is a great book about Winnie who sets of with Harry and Christopher. He is headed to the War. 

Extra: On October 2nd we did walk to school which was really tiring and very fun. On Monday  we might be working at the Fall fair for the book Winnie ́s Great War. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Guest Blogger Jillian and Briella

This is Briella and Jillian. Today we will be talking a little about things we are doing this week. We are doing MAP testing (reading). (math)decimals (Social studies)we are doing posters of different maps skills (Science) We might be using the 3-D printers.We have jobs,(board eraser Deanna,Max) (paper passer Aiden, sarah)(chair stacker Mali, Ben)(Media specialist Joey and Aannah)(Errand Runners Tomas , Leland)(Buses Mia , Bailey)(windows Jalya , Andrew)(library Nathan, Santino)(line leader Isabella)(Bloggers Jillian, Briella)(sweeper Sierra, demarae)(Desks Samantha). Our homework is spelling ,Reading log, Daily math ,Current Events, Science Vocab.