Friday, September 25, 2015

Spelling Words: Week of September 28th

Spelling:  Week of September 28th

R Controlled Vowels


1.       Heartfelt

2.       Swear

3.       Aboard

4.       Awareness

5.       Explore

6.       Uproar

7.       Scorned

8.       Starch

9.       Source

10.   Fare

11.   Barge

12.   Parched

13.   Forcefully

14.   Scarce

15.   Coarse

16.   Portfolios

17.   Swords

18.   Sparsely


Thursday, September 24, 2015

Weekly Homework Links

Homework Links- These are copies of our weekly homework on Google Docs! Please feel free to print out, or use as a template and share with me through Google docs.

Monday, September 21, 2015

This Week's spelling words



U sounds 

Spelling List- Week of September 21st:



1.       Spruce

2.       Reduce

3.       Toucan

4.       Chewy

5.       Soothe

6.       Bamboo

7.       Accuse

8.       Statue

9.       Proved

10.   Recruit

11.   Raccoon

12.   Plume

13.   Hue

14.   Bruise

15.   Union

Book Orders

New Book orders have been sent home to those who are interested. Orders are due October 2nd. Thanks for contributing to our class library!
Shop Online:

One-Time Class Activation Code: H32BL

Dear Families,

Good news! This month's Scholastic Reading Club flyers are ready for you to explore with your

child. Children read more when they choose their own books, so I encourage you to look at the

flyers together. Each flyer is filled with grade-specific, affordable titles.

Place your order online at or send the order form and payment to me.

Ordering online is the easiest way to ensure I get your order on time. Also, there are more books

to choose from as well as teacher recommendations.

Remember, for every book you order, our class earns FREE Books and supplies...and we have

our eye on some new additions.

Thank you for your support!

PS: Books make wonderful gifts! Please let me know if your order includes a gift, and I will contact

you when it arrives.
Ordering online is fast and easy:


ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)

SHOP from a carefully curated selection of the best books and value packs

SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom

All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading


Monday, September 14, 2015

Spelling Words Week of 9/14

Spelling Words – Week of September 14th

Long Vowels


1.     Paste

2.     Parade

3.     Spices

4.     Greedy

5.     Pleaded

6.     Succeed

7.     Heap

8.     Tornado

9.     Decay

10. Theme

11.  Lifetime

12.   Growth

13.     Yolk

14.      Upbeat

15.     Claimed



Friday, September 11, 2015

Homework Planner

Mrs. Demers and I have our 5th grade homework set up to be flexible. We know how busy kids can be with after school activities and wanted them to have the ability to complete their work while learning time management. Here is a sample homework planner to show the students how they might spread their homework out over the week.

Homework Planner

* 5th grade homework is meant to be flexible for students to begin to manage their time completing tasks. All Math homework is due the following day. Science and Social Studies homework is due on Thursday, and Spelling and Reading homework is due on Friday. Below is a sample of how you could complete your work spread out over the week.

Sample Planner

Reading Response
Current Event
Reading Response
Spelling: 10pt
Practice sheet
Spelling: 15pt
Draw pictures of 10 words
Spelling: 15pt
Write words to form picture
Spelling: 10pt
ABC order

My Homework Plan: ________________
