Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Ice Cube Prototype Challenge!

Today we are completing our ice cube challenge. Students are trying to build a prototype that would keep an ice cube cold the longest.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Mrs. Clapham's last day!

Today we said goodbye to our student teacher, Mrs. Clapham. We wish her well in her future teaching career!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ice cube/ insulator Project

This morning Mrs. Demers went over the science project we will take part in on December 23rd. We will be researching insulators and making prototypes to keep an ice cube cold for several hours. This project is to be prepared at home, but we will build and test in school. Your child should be bringing home the lab report and directions today. I will post one as well, it's really fun!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Homework Links

As mentioned at Parent Conferences, I would like to cut down on the amount of paper/copies made for homework. I am linking "Get to 50", Current Event, and Reading Log templates.

Current Event

Get to 50

Response Prompts- Reader Response