Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Medieval Faire

Today was the medieval Faire at JA! Our class had a blast making medieval themed crafts, playing medieval games, and enjoying a medieval concert performance.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Donors Choose Project

Over the summer, Mrs. Demers and I applied for a grant that would provide our classes with six chromebooks to use. Since receiving them, we have seen the amazing products our students have created and we hope to obtain more toward a full class set. I have created a Donors Choose project in order to obtain seven more chromebooks. We have already received two donations! If you know of any businesses that make charitable donations, we would be so grateful if you could share our project! Thank You!

Donors Choose Chrome Books for Our Creative Classroom

Friday, October 17, 2014

Explorer Project

In social studies our class has been learning about European explorers and how their explorations impacted the world. As a final assignment for this unit, the students have been assigned an explorer project. The due date is November 3rd. Click on the link below for a copy of the assignment.

Explorer Project information

Walk to school day!

Some pictures from the recent walk to school day and Barrett Park field trip. Our  class hiked and found four geocaches hidden in the park!


Our class is working is working on building catapults using simple machines in preparation for the upcoming Medieval fair!